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Strategic Purchasing

Design of internal and external policies

Strategic purchasing is usually at the highest level of responsibility within a company's purchasing operations and basically it is always a centralized function. Sometimes the role also includes global responsibility for the Group. The purchase share in the company's business is growing and the role of purchasing is increasingly important for the company's overall competitiveness.

The purpose of strategic purchasing is to enable business and solutions that improve the company's profitability. It includes working with analyzes, strategies and relationships.

Utbildningsmål: Kursen ger dig en fördjupad insikt kring försörjningsprocessen och övergripande strategiarbete i syfte att ta fram mål och riktlinjer för företagets inköpsverksamhet samt att utforma sortiments- och leverantörsstrategier.

Målgrupp: Kursen vänder sig till dig som arbetar eller avser att arbeta med inköpsfrågor och materialförsörjning på strategisk nivå.

Förkunskaper: Det finns inga formella kunskapskrav, däremot rekommenderas en bred erfarenhet av arbete inom inköp, produktion och logistik.

Utbildningsmetod: Strategic Purchasing är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.

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Utbildningens längd: Cirka 20 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.

Fakturapris: 3890 kronor / studerande.

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3740 kronor / studerande

Priset är exkl. moms

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Kursen innehåller:

Del 1

Purchasing Strategy in Strategic Planning

Purchasing organizations will be expected to take an increasing role in overall corporate strategy.

Purchasing and Profit Leverage

Purchasing is responsible for placing the orders and for ensuring that the goods arrive on time.

Purchasing Operations Structure

Purchasing operations can be divided into strategic, tactical and operational purchasing.

Strategic Purchasing

Overall purchasing activities related to the operation or the company's business plans.

What Factors Affect the Flow of Materials?

Functions within a company that affect the flow of materials.

Manufacturing Planning and Control

Introductory description of the planning and control systems used in production processes.

The Planning Process

Planning levels and level of detail.

Purchasing and Strategies

The company’s resources and competence as basis for purchasing strategies.

Development of Purchasing Philosophy

Various purchasing philosophies.

Organization of the Purchasing Function

The purchasing environment and situations affecting the purchasing function.

Roles in the Purchasing Function

The various roles of the purchasing function.

Purchasing Patterns are Changing

The purchasing function at companies is gaining in importance

Buying Assignments

Buying assignments are usually specific, item by item.

Del 2

The Traditional Objectives of the Purchasing Function

Purchasing as a process and the objectives of the purchasing function.

Purchasing Policy

Every purchasing department has policies, whether or not they are put into writing.

Purchasing Planning

Purchasing planning includes both the acquisition of material and supplier contact.

Purchase Planning and Forecasting

We get from the supplier what we ask the supplier to furnish.

The Industrial Purchasing Process

Description of the purchasing process.

Specification of Requirements for Purchasing

The basics of establishing a specification of requirements.

Price Analysis in Purchasing

One economic concept is that right price is based largely on the law of supply and demand.

Geographical Proximity and Purchasing Strategy

Geographical proximity offers many advantages. Buyers prefer close geographical proximity to their suppliers.

Designing the Supplier Structure

The design of the supplier system has an impact on the buyer's competitiveness.

Concentration on a Few Suppliers

A reduction of the total amount of suppliers positively affects the possibility to achieve better results quickly.

Number of Suppliers in Purchasing Strategy

The problem of choosing between one or several suppliers per product.

Reasons for Using a Specific Supplier

It is important to understand why a specific supplier is used in order to understand the supplier situation today.

Del 3

Materials Supply and Purchasing Strategy

Two different tendencies when choosing purchasing strategy.

Changed Requirements for Materials Supply

Purchasing companies have begun to focus on the entire logistics chain.

Increased Purchase Frequency

Increased purchase frequency at companies entails reduced purchase quantities per call-off and an increased frequency of delivery.

Vendor Managed Inventory

The supplier monitors the inventory level and replenishing the customer’s inventory as required, without a special order being sent.

Reasons for Partnering with Suppliers

The term supplier cooperation places an emphasis on active participation on the part of both buyer and supplier.

Supplier Development: a Reciprocal Process

When done correctly, supplier development should create advantages for both the buyer and the seller.

Supplier Relationships

There are various types of relationships with suppliers, and they are found at many organizational levels.

Rationalization through Supplier Relationships

The task of rationalizing the company’s purchasing approach includes a series of ongoing activities.

The Supplier as an Opponent

The cooperation between the company and the suppliers is characterized by one-way communication.

The Supplier as a Production Partner

The supplier is here regarded in the same way as a department within the company.

Supplier Networks

Utilizing the supplier’s expertise both in the development work and in order to solve production problems.

Cooperating with Suppliers on Product Development

Cooperating to achieve efficiency gains in product development.

Maintaining a Supplier Relationship

Important issues are how to maintain supplier relationships and how much can they be exploited.

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